6 + 1 Traits of Writing


 The Six Plus One Trait is a way of teaching, modeling, and assessing the instructions of writing. These traits are: Ideas, Organization, Voice, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency, Conventions and Presentation.



Ideas are the content of the writing piece. Students should choose an idea or topic, stay focused on it, elaborate on it, and use details and information to further enhance their writing in order to demonstrate their commitment to writing. Students can go from general to more particular writing with the help of ideas.

Ideas Checklist

o  Has clear main message expressed with multiple detailed sentences.

o   - Creates writing that can be read by another reader.

o   - Uses multiple sentences to enrich ideas or extend stories.

o   - May revise by adding details.

o   - Creates writing that explains, gives directions, tells a story and/or describes.



The student can start organizing the writing piece once the theme or topic has been chosen. The composition's structure and presentation are referred to as its organization. It makes the content cohesive and easy for the reader to understand. The structure of an essay might be fact-based, theme-based, comparison and contrast, deductive reasoning, chronologically ordered events, or any combination of these. Writing can take many different forms, such as a paragraph, poster, brochure, expository, narrative, or persuasive essay. For writing to be meaningful and successful, it must always be presented in an orderly fashion.

Organization Checklist

o   - Writes multiple sentences that show development or sequencing.

o   - Stays focused on the topic.

o   - Follows a logical order.

o   - Uses transition words within writing.

o   - Writing has a beginning and an end.


Writing takes on a voice when the writer's personality is evident in the composition. It demonstrates the writer's interest in the subject and gives the reader the impression that a real person is speaking to them and is interested in what they are reading. The author forges a connection with the reader by infusing their writing with emotion, zeal, uniqueness, and/or passion. The writer's personality frequently comes through in their writing.

Voice Checklist

o   Puts voice throughout the text.

o   Writes with personal style.

o   Uses appropriate punctuation marks to enhance words.  

o   Writes with voice that is easy to describe: Joyful,  Funny,  Fearful,  Angry 

Word Choice

Word choice involves using the right words in writing that will give clarity, evoke

feelings, moods, likes and dislikes, and creates a vivid picture in the reader’s mind.

Students become aware that there are different ways to express their thoughts. They

become more aware of the use and power of language by adding new and varied words

within their writing. Using vivid, colorful and dynamic words will expand and enrich

students writing.


Guidelines for the Word Choice Trait

1. The words are specific to where the reader understands what the writer means.

2. Words and phrases are used to maintain the readers’ attention. The reader is anxious to read on.

3. The selection of words should include new words, words that show action or movement, words that describe, words that go beyond the child’s spelling ability, words that help the reader see, feel, hear, taste, or understand.

4. Lively verbs, adverbs, and adjectives are used to develop the writing. Nouns are specific to add depth and clarity.

5. Repetition of words is avoided at both the beginning of sentences and within the writing piece. Choosing a variety of words makes reading more enjoyable. (For example: over use of the words the, they, nice, good, said, it etc.)

6. The language used in the writing is appropriate and effective for the meaning to be conveyed.

7. The right words or phrases are chosen and used within the writing to make it more powerful.


Word Choice Checklist

o   Writes with variety and tries new fewer familiar words that extend beyond spelling ability.

o   Uses some strong verbs.

o   Uses vivid expressive language.

o   Tries not to repeat words too many times within writing.

Sentence Fluency

In good writing, sentences should vary in length and structure allowing the reader to add expression while reading what has been written. The author uses clear sentences that make sense. Sentences should also flow smoothly to show how ideas relate.

Sentence Fluency Checklist

o   Consistently writes complete sentences.

o   Writes text that is easy to read with expression.

o   Writes sentences that begin with different words.


Conventions in writing are the editing process. This includes spelling, indentation, punctuation, grammar, capitalization and paragraphing. When conventions are used accurately, they allow the reader to follow the text and gain meaning from it. The age and grade level of a student should also be considered when assessing the conventions in writing.

Conventions Checklist

o   Uses capital and lower case letters with consistency.

o   Uses periods, commas, exclamation points, question marks correctly.

o   Correctly spells sight words and words previously taught in spelling.

o   Consistently edits texts.

o   Writes text using indentation, correct spacing, and margin.


  1. Thank You for this, It was much appreciated. While you would have explained each trait, I genuinely liked that there was the provision of guidelines of the traits. This truly assists in my application of the traits in my guidance to my students.

  2. Hey Veronique, I just finished reading your blog post on the 6 plus 1 traits of writing and i have it say it was incredibly informative. Your breakdown of each trait and the examples of checklists and guidelines you provided really aided in seeing how they can improve my students' writing. Thank you for sharing such valuable insights!

  3. Hello Veronique, Thank you for outlining the 6 +1 traits of writing and sharing some ideas to that can be used in the classroom. Thank you for providing checklist for each trait. This post was really informative and refreshing especially with the aid of pictures.


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