Persuasive Writing


Persuasive Writing

Persuasive writing is a type of writing that aims to convince or persuade the reader to adopt a certain point of view. It often uses logical arguments and strong evidence to support its claims. For example - trying to convince your friend to go and see a movie with you. 

There are several ways to persuade someone.    

Logical Reasoning

Present facts, statistics and logical arguments to support your point of view.


Appealing to Emotions 

Connect with the readers emotions by using personal stories, vivid language or powerful imagery.


Providing Evidence

Use credible sources, examples or testimonials to back up your claims.

Use Persuasive Language

Choose words and phrases that are strong, clear and compelling. 

Here are some examples of persuasive words and phrases

v  I believe that...

v  How could you (we) possibly…

v  What would happen if…

v  Do you want to be part of…

v  Is it really worth…

v  Do you really think…..

v  If these plans go ahead...

v  Just think about...

v  We can do without this...

v  This will cause....

v  Obviously...

Why teach persuasive writing?

Students can explore information related to their ideas and provide accurate explanations for their opinions through persuasive writing. Students can begin to understand the persuasive style of the marketing they are exposed to through television, the Internet, and other media as they get an awareness of how writing can affect or modify an individual's opinions or acts.

There are four (4) types of Persuasive Writing

1. Persuasive Posters                                                                                    2. Persuasive Letter


                                                                 3. Persuasive Essays

4. Persuasive Debates

Persuasive writing can assist you in effectively expressing your thoughts and viewpoints. It is a useful skill that you may apply to a variety of tasks, such as writing essays, making presentations or even just clearly expressing your ideas. You can make a big impact, effect change, and persuade others with the use of persuasive writing.


  1. Hey Veronique, I read your blog and I had some “aha-moments” while reading. The prompts /phrases that you shared gave me an idea of words that I can use while writing a persuasive letter that I will have to do and the information was very helpful. As a teacher of writing, I have gained more knowledge about teaching persuasive writing so that students can explore information related to their ideas and provide accurate explanations for their opinions. This will give me the opportunity to use technology within my lesson so students can do their research. I look forward for more information.

  2. Wow Veronique! I am very impressed with your blog, just the way you broke down the necessary information on the persuasive style of writing deserves three "hip, hip and hurray". With this information, there is no way that I can ever make a mistake when it comes to writing a piece of persuasive writing. You were fantastic! Keep up the great work!

  3. Hi Veronique! i enjoyed reading your blog. it was straight to the point. Just like the presentation you outlined the different types of persuasive writing. My favourite type would be appealing to the emotion. matter of fact that is a great example for students to be initiated into writing a persuasive piece. Being able to change someone's emotion by the words and images one can provide for a particular issue that is to be discussed. Like you rightly shared, teaching it shows students the importance of how to share one's opinion on a matter and this allows them to be more assertive.


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